Keep Your Life Anchored


Man and woman posing on steps with workout outfits on.

Office-Friendly Exercises: To Boost Your Fitness in 2023.

Have you ever experienced feeling like there’s not enough time in the day to fit in a workout amidst your busy schedule? Whether you work long hours or find it challenging to exercise while at work, it can be tough to prioritize fitness. Incorporating fitness into your daily routine has become easier than ever. If you’re looking for ways to stay active during work breaks, here are some office-friendly exercises to boost your fitness in 2023.

Please keep in mind to customize these exercises to your fitness level and seek advice from a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions. Furthermore, it is essential to take into account your workspace and confirm that you have adequate space and correct posture to perform these exercises safely.

These exercises are not only beneficial for office settings but also for individuals who have physical limitations that prevent them from doing high-impact exercises or those who cannot move around too much. Everyone can lead a healthy life, and it doesn’t require excessive physical activity to maintain good health. These are great exercises to start your journey to reach those goals


Office Friendly Exercises

What you will need before beginning your office exercises

These exercises do not require any specific equipment. However, ensure that you do have a sturdy chair without wheels for the chair exercises. You will also want some comfortable walking shoes for the walking exercises. You will only be using your body weight for resistance, for the strengthening exercises. So you will not need any weights. It’s also a good idea to wear comfortable clothing if possible.


Stretching Exercises:

A. Upper Body Stretches:
  1. Neck Rolls: (Gently roll your neck in a circular motion, starting from one side and moving to the other. This helps to release tension in the neck and improve flexibility.)
  2. Shoulder Rolls: (Roll your shoulders forward and backward in a circular motion. This exercise helps to loosen the shoulder muscles and relieve stiffness.)
  3. Chest Stretch: (Extend your arms behind you, interlace your fingers, and gently lift your chest and stretch your arms. This stretch opens up the chest and improves posture.)
  4. Triceps Stretch: (Raise one arm overhead, bend it at the elbow, and reach your hand down your back. Use the other hand to gently push your elbow further for a deeper stretch. This stretch targets the triceps muscles at the back of the upper arms.)
Office-Friendly Exercises to boost energy in 2023
B. Lower Body Stretches:
  1. Standing Forward Bend: (Stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend forward at the hips, and let your upper body hang. Allow your hands to reach toward the ground or grab opposite elbows. This stretch helps release tension in the lower back and hamstrings.)
  2. Calf Raises: (Stand with your feet hip-width apart and rise onto your toes, then slowly lower your heels back to the ground. This exercise strengthens the calf muscles.) 
  3. Seated Hamstring Stretch: (While seated, extend one leg straight in front of you and lean forward from the hips, reaching towards your toes. This stretch targets the hamstrings.)
  4. Hip Flexor Stretch: Step one foot forward, bend the knee and lower your back knee towards the ground. Keeping your torso upright, gently press your hips forward to stretch the front of the hip. This stretch targets the hip flexor muscles.)

 Strength-Building Exercises:

  1. Chair Squats: (Stand in front of a chair, lower your body towards the chair as if you’re about to sit, and then stand back up. This exercise strengthens the lower body, particularly the quadriceps, and glutes.)
  2. Seated Leg Extensions: (While seated, extend one leg straight out in front of you and hold for a few seconds before lowering it back down. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise targets the quadriceps muscles.)
  3. Tricep Dips using a Chair: (Sit on the edge of a chair with your hands gripping the edge, slide your hips off the chair, and bend your elbows to lower your body towards the ground. Push back up to the starting position. This exercise strengthens the triceps.)
  4. Seated Ab Crunches: (Sit tall on the edge of your chair, engage your core muscles, and bring your chest towards your knees by curling your upper body. Slowly release back to the starting position. This exercise targets the abdominal muscles.)

Office-Friendly Exercises: To Boost Your Fitness in 2023

Bodyweight Exercises:

  1. Wall Push-Ups: ( Stand facing a wall with your arms extended, place your hands on the wall at shoulder height, and perform push-ups by bending your elbows and bringing your chest towards the wall. This exercise strengthens the chest, shoulders, and arms.)
  2. Desk Push-Ups: (Place your hands on the edge of your desk shoulder-width apart, step your feet back, and perform push-ups against the desk surface. This exercise targets the chest, shoulders, and arms.)
  3. Glute Squeezes: (Sit tall in your chair, squeeze your glute muscles together, and hold for a few seconds before releasing. This exercise helps to activate and strengthen the glute muscles.)
  4.  Standing Calf Raises: (Stand with your feet hip-width apart, raise up onto the balls of your feet, and then lower back down. This exercise strengthens the calf muscles.)

Cardiovascular Exercises:

  1. Brisk Walk around the Office: (Take a brisk walk around your office or building during your break. Increase your pace to get your heart rate up and enjoy a cardiovascular workout.)
  2. Stair Climbing: (Depending on the intensity you are looking for. You will walk up the number of stairs you like, then back down the stairs. You will continue walking up and down the stairs.)
  3. Walking Meetings: (You will walk the halls of the office with this one. If you have large office space, this is perfect to get great cardio in.)
  4. Marching in Place: (This one speaks for itself. You will stand with your back straight and march in place. Be sure to swing your arms while marching to allow for a full-body workout.)
Office-Friendly Exercises to boost energy in 2023


Desk Exercises:

  1. Desk-side Leg Swings: (Stand to the side of your desk. Hold the desk with one arm, while maintaining a straight posture, you will lift your leg to the side, then back down. You will repeat this. For a bit more resistance, when you lift your leg you will hold for 5 seconds before bringing your leg back down.)
  2. Seated High Knees: (While seated, you will lift your knee and touch it to the opposite side of your elbow. Alternate knees by touching the opposite elbow. Example: Touch your left knee while crossing your right elbow to your knee and vice versa.)
  3. Toe Taps: (Start by lifting your right foot slightly off the ground, keeping the heel planted. Tap the ball of your right foot on the ground in front of you, then return it to the starting position. Repeat this tapping motion with your right foot for the desired number of repetitions. After completing the repetitions with your right foot, switch to your left foot and perform the same movement.)
In addition to all these exercises, just simply going for a walk outside during your break is great as well. Be sure to get others in your office to join you in the Office-Friendly Exercises: To Boost Your Fitness in 2023!

Remember to KEEP YOUR LIFE ANCHORED! – Kyla Nguyen

Office-Friendly Exercises: To Boost Your Fitness in 2023

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